HTML for games wish list

Hi, I just joined so sorry if this has already been sent to the list… I ran into this a while ago:  

(some of which has already been addressed)

I'll also reach out to them on Twitter @goldcartridge and see if they will join (if they haven't already). There are quite a few of these frameworks/IDEs/APIs emerging. We should reach out to them to join also. I've seen some really great wish lists for canvas, the audio element, and the advanced audio API.  

I'll see if I can track down a few more wish lists: the ones I've run into from time to time have been pretty good and backed by actual use cases (i.e., real devs running into real frustrating problems, particularly around responsiveness of audio).  

Maybe we can set up a wiki page to capture some of these wish lists.  

Marcos Caceres

Received on Friday, 14 October 2011 08:09:28 UTC