Re: [fxtf-drafts] [filter-effects-2] Backdrop filters should not use BackgroundImage

I took a closer look at [the example](,output) from and found a potential problem with making `backdrop-filter` respect isolation. [Here's a variation of the example](,output) with the following changes: The opacity on the ancestor element `.colorbox` was removed, and the opacity on `.box1` and `.box3` was reduced to `0.1`. This variation of the example no longer demonstrates what happens when an ancestor item is isolated, but it demonstrates what happens when opacity and backdrop-filter are applied to the same element. Here's how Chrome and Safari render it:

Chrome 72 Canary:
<img width="658" alt="screen shot 2018-11-07 at 7 41 28 pm" src="">

Safari 12:
![screen shot 2018-11-07 at 7 41 31 pm](

In Chrome, it seems that the opacity on the element does not reduce the opacity of what's rendered by backdrop-filter on that element; the blur in the example fully blocks out the non-blurred element underneath. In Safari, the blurred backdrop is only rendered at 0.1 opacity. I think Safari's behavior makes more sense here. 

However, if we want to adopt Safari's behavior for this case, in terms of the compositing effect graph, I think this requires rendering the backdrop filter *inside* the opacity, if opacity and backdrop-filter are applied to the same element. But if the backdrop filter rendering goes inside of the opacity, then we have the same problem as in this issue: Opacity is an isolation boundary, so backdrop-filter on such an element would not have any effect. @mfreed7, any ideas for how we should solve this case?

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Received on Thursday, 8 November 2018 00:56:47 UTC