Amelia Bellamy-Royds
- Re: [paint] Publishing FPWD of Fill and Stroke Module
- Re: [paint] Publishing FPWD of Fill and Stroke Module
Brian Birtles
CSS-SVG Task Force Issue Tracker
- FX-ACTION-97: Figure out issue 40 / gh #483 edits.
- FX-ACTION-96: Figure out wtf is up the the quaternion algo and see what needs fixing.
- ISSUE-7: Perspective(0)
- FX-ACTION-95: Create an example in the custom props specification so that everyone is parsing out the whitespace in a custom property as defined by the syntax specification
- FX-ACTION-94: Make an example in the custom props so everyone knows how to do this
- FX-ACTION-93: Add use counter to chrome to collect frequency data on compatibility of change for
- [paint] Publishing FPWD of Fill and Stroke Module
- [css-values][css-transforms][css-motion][css-background] Updated <position>