Re: [css-transforms] CSS3D breaks with opacity flattening

This is fairly convincing for me:

On 19 September 2016 at 15:20, Tab Atkins Jr. <> wrote:
> While it's reasonable to want to apply opacity individually to all the
> objects in a group, applying it to every *leaf shape* in the group is
> almost certainly not wanted, except in the simplest of cases.  In most
> cases you just want the opacity to be somewhat further down, not
> pushed all the way to the leaves (thus avoiding the "screaming ghost
> skull" problem).
> So, an inherited property that only applies to leaf nodes is almost
> certainly not desired.

I therefore repeat my other comment:

Otherwise, my best recommendation to people who want the 3D opacity effect
> is to use CSS variables to set your alpha factor on your group, and then
> use opacity:var(--alpha) on any (flat) layer that actually includes painted
> content.

> Unfortunately, however, for now that means not being able to use CSS
> animations/transitions or web animation to transition alpha.  We're still
> waiting for typed CSS custom properties that can be interpolated.

Basically, you want to be able to write code like:

.object { /* the entire group whose opacity you want to control together,
without flattening */
  --alpha: 0.7;
  transform-style: preserve-3d;
  transition: alpha 1s ease-out; /* this is the missing part when using
variables */
.layer { /* the 3D layers or faces whose child content & backgrounds should
be flattened into a single texture */
  opacity: var(--alpha);
.object.hide {
  --alpha: 0;

(And yes, I know that in this simple example you could get the transitions
to work by setting the transition on .layer's opacity property. But that
won't always work in the general case.)

Received on Tuesday, 20 September 2016 16:12:48 UTC