Re: [web-animations] Two or more animations associated with the same player

On 2015/02/09 17:53, "Сергей Грехов" wrote:
> Hi All,
> Animatable.getAnimationPlayers() definition
> (
> contains the following statement. "If this object is the animation target
> of two or more animations which are associated with the same player, the
> corresponding AnimationPlayer object will still only appear in the
> returned list once."
> Does it makes sense in the current version of the specification? The only
> way for different animations to be associated the same player is to be
> part of the animation group or sequence. But animation groups are not part
> of the current specification, they are moved to the level 2. So may be it
> makes sense to move this statement to level 2 as well?

Good catch. Thanks!


Received on Monday, 9 February 2015 23:38:27 UTC