Re: [web-animations] Ordering animations based on when they transition from idle

On Sun, Jun 21, 2015 at 10:24 PM, Brian Birtles <> wrote:
> On 2015/06/22 14:14, Brian Birtles wrote:
>> On 2015/06/22 13:10, Shane Stephens wrote:
>>> One concern I have is that currently text order (or creation order) is
>>> inviolate which makes it easy to reason about; but that might be
>>> outweighed by the fact that if we made this change then authors could
>>> (to a degree) choose to reorder the animations.
> I just realized we may be talking cross purposes here. CSS animations and
> transitions never restart so long as they are bound to markup. As a result,
> the difference here is just:
>   priority with old behavior: text order (or creation order)
>   priority with new behavior: text order (or start order)

I think I lean your way.  "Creation order" applying to CSS-created
animations is actually pretty weird.  It's a corner-case, but still.

Your moveLeft/moveRight example is also compelling.  But what about
the opposite case?  I think it's reasonable to be able to set up some
animations with a known priority, and turn them on/off based on user
input.  For example,
has several animations that coordinate.  They don't quite overlap each
other, but if they did, it would be better for them to override
deterministically somehow, rather than depending on exactly what order
people turned the animations on.  Is there any way to do this?  (It's
possible this is answered by Shane already in his last email.)


Received on Monday, 22 June 2015 20:24:16 UTC