Re: [web-animations] Default fill mode

Hi Tab,

Thanks very much for your feedback. That's very helpful. I have one 
further question below.

(2013/08/03 2:58), Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
>> We considered three options:
>>   (1) choose a default fill mode of 'none' to match CSS and SVG?
>>   (2) choose a default fill mode of 'both' because it makes the API easier to
>> use?
>>   (3) add an 'auto' fill mode that defaults to 'none' for animations
>> (matching CSS and SVG) but 'both' for groups (making it easier to switch
>> animations from 'none' to 'both')?
>> After some discussion we think (3) is probably the best option but if anyone
>> has any feedback regarding this, we would be glad to hear it.
> Yes, do #3.  Groups shouldn't by default impose clamping behavior on
> their contained animations, and we should match the SVG/CSS default
> for the actual animations, to minimize surprise.

One drawback of this approach, however, is that we have an 
Element.animate interface where we think authors will expect 
fill-forwards behaviour.

The interface looks like this:

   // Move elem to 100px over 3 seconds
   elem.animate({ left: '100px' }, 3);

The equivalent in jQuery is:

   $(elem).animate({ left: '100px' }, 300);

However, with jQuery, like most script libraries, the effect will 
continue to apply after the animation has finished.

To produce that behavior in the current Web Animations API with a 
default fill mode of 'auto' (='none' for animations), you would have to 

   elem.animate({ left: '100px' }, { iterationDuration: 3, fillMode: 
'forwards' });

Now, we can probably tweak the naming here and make it a bit shorter:

   elem.animate({ left: '100px' }, { duration: 3, fill: 'forwards' });

(I've suggested renaming 'iterationDuration' to 'duration' before but 
no-one seemed interested. Having now noticed that jQuery uses 'duration' 
for this I think it's worth re-considering.)

But it's still quite a bit to type for a common effect.

So, we have a few options:

(1) Leave as is. Authors just have to type more / set up macros / write 
wrapper libraries to do this for them.
(2) Make Element.animate use a different default fill mode than 
elsewhere in the API (e.g. the Animation constructor).
(3) Add a further shortcut which provides this different default 
behaviour, e.g. Element.animateTo.
(4) Rework this interface so that the fill mode is a separate parameter 
and then at least you don't have to write out 'duration' every time.

Any thoughts?



Received on Tuesday, 6 August 2013 00:35:51 UTC