Re: [css-compositing][css-mask] new Editor's draft posted

On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 12:43 PM, Henrik Andersson <>wrote:

> Rik Cabanier skriver:
> >
> > It would not.
> > An 'inverse' mask would invert the pixels of the mask itself, not the
> > content that you mask.
> >
> > Maybe you're thinking of putting the text in the mask. If so, yes, that
> > would make it invert but:
> > - you'd lose the semantics since the text comes from a style. This loses
> > accessibility and copy/paste behavior
> > - you would have to put the text in another fragment or document
> > - you would have to define a way to link to HTML content from a mask.
> > This would be very hard to get consensus on.
> I thought there was an option to use the first result of a normal
> selector as the masking content.

Not that I know of.
Dirk, is there such an option?

Received on Thursday, 23 May 2013 20:08:20 UTC