Re: [css-compositing] blending and inline SVG

On May 20, 2013, at 11:16 AM, Rik Cabanier <> wrote:

> All,
> I was editing the chapter on isolation [1] and wondered if inline svg should happen in an isolated group. (So the <svg> tag would establish a new group/stacking context)
> It seems that it would be very hard to implement if this was not the case.
> Is everyone that inline SVG is always isolated?
> We also need to discuss what other constructs in SVG create isolation. The current filter spec assumes that nothing does, but that doesn't correspond with reality.

The first question is how inline SVG cooperates with HTML in general. We did not specify that anywhere to my knowledge. In Blink and WebKit inline SVG elements are handled as replacement elements, same as <img>, <video> or <canvas>. It would make sense to not treat inline SVG elements different from the other elements for these two engines. However, I would like to understand where you see the technical difference to other "graphical" HTML elements like <div> or <p>.


> 1:

Received on Monday, 20 May 2013 20:56:10 UTC