Re: [css3-transforms] ... paced animation

(... continued, this still belongs here)

Dirk Schulze:

> > This is not completely the same thing.
> > Even if you interpolate for example between matrix, matrix and matrix,
> > there will be no meaningful distance function to get a paced behaviour.
> > I think, the same applies for rotate3d if the direction of the rotation
> > axis changes - this is similar to a change of the rotation center of
> > rotate.
> Do you know where it was discussions previously?

There should be an issue/action in the internal list about
comments and changes on SVG tiny 1.2.
I think, finally Cameron fixed the table of complex types
related to a discussion started with one of my own official last call
comments about SVG tiny 1.2, that should be availlable
in the archive and in the archive
of last call comments about SVG tiny 1.2.
Especially for rotate, if you look in early draft versions
of SVG tiny 1.2., with the formula it was tried to add
lengths ot angles, indicating already, that the formula
was created without an understanding of 'paced', 'rotation'
or 'addition' of entities with (implicated) units ;o)
Obviously this was not acceptable ;o)

As already mentioned, if you find a meaningfull distance
function related to a paced change for example for the
matrix type, try to explain the relation here. And if it is
convincing, you found a new type of paced behaviour.
If you find additionally use cases for this - even better ...


Received on Monday, 4 June 2012 12:43:21 UTC