Re: [css-shaders] GLSL implementation defined limits

I also want to add that I think CSS shaders in particular are going to end
up getting extremely complicated.

Given that the author can't supply an arbitrary mesh nor can they supply
arbitrary textures it seems likely they'll end up doing crazy complicated
things in the shaders to work around those limitations.

As an example I certainly never would have made a folding map using a
shader like the one Adobe showed. I would have (a) cut the paper into 1
plane per fold and set texcoords appropriately OR (b) used a skinned model
and hierarchical animation OR (c) used morph targets across 2 meshes. It's
neat that it can be done in a shader but that's just my point, given the
limitations people will need to put more in shaders then they generally
have in the past.

Received on Friday, 11 November 2011 19:11:43 UTC