from November 2012 by subject

Agenda 2012-11-07. NOTE: 30 MINS LATER THAN BEFORE!

Agenda 2012-11-14

Agenda 2012-11-21

Agenda 2012-11-28

Apologies for today.

Apologies, againÅ 

Challenges with load embed

Concerns about format token parameter on serialize() and parse() functions

Define the 'stable' execution scope for xpath functions

Element name for specifying properties on dispatch action

Late Apologies for today.

Lighter syntax for the function element

Minutes 2012-11-07

Minutes 2012-11-14

Minutes 2012-11-21

Minutes 2012-11-28

No call next week


Snapshots of drafts for review by WG and community

Sub-forms feature

Target and targetid on load and sumission element

Time of XForms call half hour later?

Last message date: Wednesday, 28 November 2012 17:35:44 UTC