Re: Added context everywhere (by adding it to the binding attributes)

Hi Leigh,

Further response to this line of inquiry:
- Yes context goes everywhere, so we moved it to the Common group
- As a result, the model attribute had to be moved to the Common group, 
which applied model in places not previously applied
- The bind element is explicitly restricted to binding to the current 
model, if the model is expressed, to avoid cross-model computation 
- The header and var elements are not restricted in terms of the model to 
which they can bind as they are like actions, which are not restricted 
from referring to another model.
- As Nick previously responded, model and context apply to any kind of 
- Actions such as rebuild, recalculate, revalidate, refresh and reset were 
amended to remove model as a special attribute, since it is in Common. The 
text was changed to use the model of the inscope evaluation context 
instead, along with a Note indicating that the model attribute could be 
used to change the context.
- Actions and their children/descendants, such as dispatch and its 
children, get context and model.  For example, it is at least feasible (if 
not terribly useful) to get the dispatch name from the data of one model 
and the dispatch targetid from the data of another model.

John M. Boyer, Ph.D.
Distinguished Engineer, IBM Forms and Smarter Web Applications
IBM Canada Software Lab, Victoria

Blog RSS feed:

From:   Leigh L Klotz Jr <>
Cc:     Public Forms <>
Date:   20/04/2012 04:16 PM
Subject:        Re: Added context everywhere (by adding it to the binding  

There is still a distinction between 
single-node binding: @model, @ref, @bind
sequence-binding (formerly nodeset) binding @model, @ref, @nodeset, @bind
In that single-node-binding is used on 
label, hjelp, hint, alert, message, item/value, item/copy, 
upload/filename, upload, output, output/mediatype, input, textarea, 
secret, select,select1, range, trigger, submit, load, setvalue, group, 
and sequence-binding is used on 
itemset, insert, delete, repeat.

Q: Does @context go on both single-node-binding and sequence-binding?

Q: Also, does @context go in any of the following places, which currently 
have @nodeset, @ref, or @model:
header, bind
other actions (rebuild, dispatch, send, setfocus, etc)


Received on Wednesday, 13 June 2012 17:29:16 UTC