Re: Feedback on XForms 1.1 RNG schema


In re

> 2. xforms.trigger.content, and many other places
> This requires that xforms.label precedes xforms.UI.Common.content.
> Do we really want to enforce that the label is first? E.g. shouldn't
> this be valid:
> <xforms:trigger>
>  <xforms:setvalue ev:event="DOMActivate" .../>
>  <xforms:label>Click me</xforms:label>
> </xforms:trigger>

The prose says it must be first and would be difficult to change at this
point.  John Boyer suggests that when we change label to be specified
either as a child element or remotely in label/@for, we consider allowing
label at any spot in control children.


Received on Wednesday, 31 August 2011 18:46:25 UTC