Re: access to XHTML+XForms 1.1 file directory

Hi Steven,

I have a few more questions and responses inline below.

Thank you

"Steven Pemberton" <>
To:, John Boyer/CanWest/IBM@IBMCA
09/17/2010 04:13 AM
Re: access to XHTML+XForms 1.1 file directory

> I've uploaded Leigh's XHTML + XForms 1.1 zip file to the following
> location:

It's there. Why did you choose 2007 instead of 2010?

JB> Good question. I didn't even look in 2010 because the rest of the 
XForms 1.1 schema stuff is in 2007.
However, now that I look, I see you have other xhtml+xforms11 stuff in 
2010, so I'll move it there.
Perhaps we should create a schema directory in our space, rather than 
using year numbers.

> However, the action item actually asked for the zip file to also be 
> broken
> out into the individual files.  I don't really know why, but I did the
> extraction, which put the files here:

They are there.

JB> I know. I see them.  It's just that I can't list them.

> Next I added a link to our home page.
> However, the link is not accessible due to insufficient access 
> privileges.

The problem is that there is no Overview.html page, so you can only link 
to the individual files in the directory. Otherwise you should add an 
Overview.html. The directory and all files are world readable.

JB> Is there anything that can be changed so that you just get a directory 
listing?  I don't want to have to create a page that lists the files that 
are there, in case they change for example.

>  Steven, I think a team member has to change the access privileges on 
> directories, so could you please make the new directory available?
> While at it, would you mind creating 2010 and 2011 directories that we 
> can use for future work?

2010 is already there (again, no Overview.html file). I just created 2011, 
but for some reason it is not showing up. It may be a mirroring issue, and 
we just have to wait for the mirrors to catch up.

JB> I checked this morning and 2011 is still not there from a CVS 
standpoint, so it's perhaps not just a mirroring issue.


> Thanks,
> John

Received on Friday, 17 September 2010 16:02:36 UTC