Should add tests combining URL params from resource URL and form data

Section 11.9.1 describes how the submission URL is combined with form 

We have a test of the basic case, but we don't have any tests in which 
extra URL parameters are included in the resource URL, yet we have 
exacting language describing how url parameters derived from the form data 
are to be combined with a URL which may have extra parameters.

It is likely that implementations will handle the replace all case with 
very different code than the replace instance/text case, so I've attached 
two samples forms to cover each case.

These forms are simple extensions of test 11.9.1.a, and should probably 
become 11.9.1.b and 11.9.1.c.  Both of these tests work in Ubiquity XForms 
+ IE, Ubiquity XForms + FF and Ubiquity XForms + Safari. They would need 
to be converted to the working group's test suite framework style. 

John M. Boyer, Ph.D.
STSM, Lotus Forms
Workplace, Portal and Collaboration Software
IBM Victoria Software Lab

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Received on Sunday, 17 January 2010 22:50:35 UTC