I found this thread on xml-dev an interesting read. The atom feed
validation seems to capture the problem well.
The summary from Roger Costello doesn't do justice to the paper (PPT,
sorry) referred to in the message, which by the way, takes head-on the
schema modularization problem of adding XForms to host documents. This
is worth a read for those interested in schema modularity.
Forwarded message 1
Hi Folks,
Here are a few snippets from slides by MURATA Makoto:
Requirements on validation#1
- It should be possible to combine schemas representing vocabularies
- It should be possible to divide non-monolithic documents into pieces
and then validate each piece against one of the schemas.
Do existing schema languages meet these requirements?
- No, you have to understand all schemas very well and change them.
- No, you have to validate the entire document against the combination
of all schemas.
- W3C XML Schema
Requirements on validation#2
- It should be possible to use different schema languages for different
- Validators for many schema languages should work together.
Do existing schema languages meet these requirements?
- No, you are forced to use one schema language.
- No, you have to use one validator.
- W3C XML Schema
More... www.asahi-net.or.jp/~eb2m-mrt/svgopen/200409SVGOpen.ppt
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Forwarded message 2
Dear colleagues,
I wrote a note about full validation of Atom feeds containing extensions
such as OpenSearch and Google Calendar. Hisashi Miyashita, my
co-author, implemented an NVDL validator for such validaiton.
The RELAX NG schema in RFC 4287 (The Atom Syndication Format)
does not provide full validation of Atom feeds containing
extensions. Rather, this schema skips extension elements and
attributes, even when extension elements further contain Atom
feeds or entries. This document shows that ISO/IEC 19757-4
Namespace-based Validation Dispatching Language (NVDL for short)
allows full validation of atom feeds containing extensions. NVDL
decomposes atom feeds containing extensions into (1)
extension-free atom and (2) extensions so that (1) and (2) are
validated separately. As an example, an NVDL script for Google
Calendar is presented. This NVDL script reveals validation
errors of atom entries embedded in Google Calendar extension
This note is available at:
The validator is available at:
MURATA Makoto (FAMILY Given) <EB2M-MRT@asahi-net.or.jp>
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