Re: [css3-namespace] Last call comments from XHTML2 WG

Steven Pemberton wrote:
> On Thu, 20 Mar 2008 14:14:48 +0100, Steven Pemberton 
> <> wrote:
>>  making it harder to write interoperable cascading style sheets.
> Maybe I should just clarify this point.
> Suppose I am required to include my company's house style in my 
> stylesheets:
>     @import "/housestyle.css"
>     a {color: blue}
> and I have no control over what is in the housestyle CSS.
> Then I don't know what "a" selects, without reading all the stylesheets 
> in the cascade before that rule. Even worse, there is no way I can undo 
> anything that the cascade has done, so that I am unable to require that 
> the rule means what it has meant since CSS1.

@namespace rules are local. They have no effect across imports: neither
the @namespace rule of the containing style sheet has effect on its
imported style sheets, nor do @namespace rules in the imported style
sheets affect rules in the container.

This is clearly stated in


Received on Thursday, 20 March 2008 14:59:56 UTC