Re: Forms Task Force members (roll call and call to action), Fw: Architectural Consistency - What does it mean?

John, Group, Colleagues,

> So I've heard from you now, and want to know whether Nick and Sebastian 
> will also be able to do some work on a weekly basis to get some kind of 
> output from this task force.

thanks for asking. I am happy to step down from my position in the
Forms TF, as I will be not able to work on a weekly basis on this.

It's not that I'm not interested, I hope someone else can fully step
up to this, I fully behind our efforts.

I'm personally overloaded with work - I look forward to a little
more quiet times where I can enjoy meeting the group and working on
W3C related issues, right now its rather unrealistic, therefore I'd
be happy to hand over my position to someone else.


- Sebastian

Received on Friday, 4 April 2008 07:07:34 UTC