ACTIONS from telecon

These are also in the IRC minutes, but here they are for Nick...

RRSAgent says:
ACTION: John to respond to Chris Lilley about the relationship between 
XHTML Transitional and the Forms & HTML WGs [1]
ebruchez (510dd512@ has left the conversation.
RRSAgent says:
  recorded in
RRSAgent says:
ACTION: Steven to provide contact details for Jacob [2]
RRSAgent says:
  recorded in
RRSAgent says:
ACTION: John to invite Kurt Cagle [3]
RRSAgent says:
  recorded in
markseaborne (markseabor@ has left the conversation.
RRSAgent says:
ACTION: WG members look into their Action Items, and start working on them 
on the Wiki [4]
RRSAgent says:
  recorded in
RRSAgent says:
ACTION: Steven to write something up [5]
RRSAgent says:
  recorded in

Received on Wednesday, 27 June 2007 18:45:34 UTC