Re: Badly behaved captive portals

Ahh yes, I follow now...

On 24 September 2012 00:23, Andrew Betts <> wrote:
> I suspect the web solution is some form of the INTERCEPT idea.  But I still
> don't see any way within the current proposal that a root URL could be
> intercepted while other URLs on the same domain are not, because the
> INTERCEPT syntax would treat '/' as a prefix.

Good point. We need a case where...

1. User hits http://app/path/to/something/*
2. Cached page displays instantly, showing either cached data or
custom loading screen
3. Page makes XHR request to http://app/api/path/to/something/whatever.json
4. Page is updated with fresh data from API response

As you point out, this would require something like a global intercept
that excludes /api/*

Received on Monday, 24 September 2012 09:11:49 UTC