Re: Draft report for offline apps workshop

On Apr 6, 2012, at 5:06 PM, ext Brian LeRoux wrote:

> Hey Dom --- uhm, not the best feedback in the world but I think
> everyone here should see/incorporate Jake Archibalds JSConf talk this
> year:

Thanks Brian (nice deck).

> I think we can all agree the developer experience created by appcache
> needs love!!

I kinda' recall there was a proposal in the HTML WG to move the app cache functionality to a separate spec. Does anyone know the status of that proposal? 

(I don't want to start YA debate on small-ish specs versus the single KitchenSink/Bathtub approach, so consider the above in the 'just wondering' category).


Received on Saturday, 7 April 2012 11:43:34 UTC