Draft report for offline apps workshop


Back in November, we had a workshop on offline Web applications [1]
which was the trigger for the creation of the "Fixing AppCache"
community group.

Unfortunately, the workshop Chairs have not been in a position to write
the workshop report; I've now been tasked to do so, and have produced a
first draft on the W3C wiki:

Of course, 5 months later, my memory of the workshop is more than a bit
fuzzy, and the notes [2] that were taken during the workshop are a bit

So, I would very much appreciate reviews of the draft above, and input
on what is missing or unclear from the workshop participants. Direct
edits in the wiki are best.

I would like to publish the official version of this report by the end
of next week, so would appreciate any input before EOB next Thursday.


1. http://www.w3.org/2011/web-apps-ws/
2. http://www.w3.org/2011/11/05-offline-minutes.html

Received on Friday, 6 April 2012 14:25:26 UTC