- From: Daniel Harris <daniel@kendra.org.uk>
- Date: Wed, 5 Mar 2014 16:20:39 +0000
- To: "public-fedsocweb@w3.org" <public-fedsocweb@w3.org>
This is what I just sent to paris-events@mozilla.org ---- Dear Mozilla staff, Please pass this on to Mozilla staff you know in Paris interested in IndieWeb, (Federated) Social Web, Identity and the Collaborative (Sharing) Economy. I need a staff member sponsor for Paris so I can request Mozilla space for this indie/social/collaborative web camp. I am organising the "OuiShare Labs Camp Paris 2014" on May 1-4. The main "OuiShare Fest" is taking place afterwards on May 5-7. We will have a keynote on the morning of each day. Harry Hamplin (W3C lead for (Federated) Social Web) will be a keynote speaker. After each keynote we will go into "camp" mode. The aim is to bring IndieWeb, (Federated) Social Web, Identity and Collaborative Economy people together in order to cross-pollinate ideas and drive more interoperable protocols into collaborative (sharing) economy projects whilst also highlighting more models/requirements/visions into Social/Indie Web projects – and vice versa! Our intention is to have organisations/groups working on their own "vertical" projects and collaborating "horizontally" across project boundaries (cross-pollinating) at code/protocol/vision levels. It will be an environment where visionaries and developers will work collaboratively. It's an opportunity to get together and work on low level architecture but also high level models. We can define streams and goals beforehand and I suspect their will be desire to keep a loose structure around agile stand-ups. Either way and any how we cut it up or name it, it's all about building either code/protocols or documentation/visions. It's about being pragmatic and getting things done – read: getting protocols adopted in the wild by groups/projects who have large numbers of real users already collaborating/sharing stuff like travel and couches. OuiShare is a hub for all those interested in the collaborative/sharing economy. The first Fest and Camp took place in 2013 and were huge successes in bringing together communities. OuiShare is running the Fest directly after the Camp so output from the Camp will be showcased in the Fest. I have met all 4 criteria (listed at https://wiki.mozilla.org/People:MozSpaces_Guidelines) except one: I need to find a Mozilla staff sponsor for Paris space. We are looking to use the Salle des fêtes room with 50 seated people. The dates of May 1-4 are currently available in the Mozilla Paris calendar: https://mail.mozilla.com/home/publiccalendar@mozilla.com/MOZPARIS.html?view=month&date=20140505 I look forward to any comments or questions that you may have. Cheers Daniel http://labs.ouishare.net http://ouishare.net https://www.facebook.com/events/248376575333608 Daniel Harris, Founder, V2RF (Vision to Reality Foundation) daniel@v2rf.org phone: +44 20 7993 6339 (connects to VoIP anywhere) mobile: +44 7853 627 355 (connects to UK mobile and VoIP anywhere) mobile: +1 323 250 2605 (connects to US mobile and VoIP anywhere) username: dahacouk on facebook, skype, linkedin, twitter and everywhere V2RF (Vision to Reality Foundation) Technology fund fostering interoperable protocol implementation and adoption "There's a protocol for that" v2rf.org facebook.com/v2rf.org twitter.com/v2rf linkedin.com/company/v2rf
Received on Wednesday, 5 March 2014 16:21:11 UTC