Re: RE : Re: Federation protocols

On 2013-06-12 11:16, Nick Jennings wrote:
> On Jun 12, 2013 10:22 AM, "Goix Laurent Walter"
>> Should we formalize these 2 teams to start some concrete 
>> collaborations?
> Sure, that could help to avoid these kinds of "chasing our tail" 
> discussions in the future.

from my point of view, maybe we can describe it as "bottom-up" (build 
stuff, use it, and see what synergies emerge) vs "top-down" (document 
and discuss things that we already know could work for everybody, to 
avoid reinventing all sorts of wheels).

i don't see them as "camps" but just a distinction to help us all 
understand each other. i think we need both approaches to work in 
tandem, for best results.

my 2ct,

Received on Wednesday, 12 June 2013 09:40:58 UTC