Re: An Introduction: SOCML

>  1. How can we standardized social media objects such as messages,
>     status updates, pictures, etc. while maintaining the ability to
>     add additional extensibility to these objects?

I like what the tent guys are doing there: the object type is given as 
an url with a human readable (soon also machine readable) description of 
this type. This url also always contains a version number of this post 
type, so its extensible. And anyone can come up with new types. They say 
these types should be used like file-extensions. I think thats a concept 
worth copying.

I also would find it good if these descriptions would also contain 
information what one can do with that object and how. So for a photo for 
example that it can be rated by distributing an object that looks like 
X. Or a status message is reposted with an object that looks like Y. 
That would also solve a problem I see with activitystreams. That you can 
potentially like a comment to a comment to a rating of a photo and so 
on. This is just unneeded complexity.

Received on Wednesday, 13 February 2013 07:28:23 UTC