Agenda: FedID CG/WG call, 17 September 2024

Hello FedID CG and WG members and enthusiastic followers!

We have one more call before TPAC. The agenda is available on GitHub

A few items I'd like to highlight so you have time to review in advance:

Finalizing FedID CG/WG Process Mechanics
FedCM issues

• Use value names which aren’t tied to UI affordance for FedCM parameter: mode - issue #5

Finalizing the TPAC Agendas

• Joint CG/WG: Monday, 23 September @ 16:30​–​18:00 — Draft Agenda
• Joint CG/WG: Tuesday, 24 September @ 11:00-12:30 — Draft Agenda
• WG only: Tuesday, 24 September @ 14:00-16:00 — Draft Agenda

See you Tuesday!

Heather Flanagan
Principal, Spherical Cow Consulting

Received on Thursday, 12 September 2024 23:15:48 UTC