Fwd: [confirmed] Hybrid Kick Off meeting, 20 June 2024

Hi FedID CG,

We have confirmed the WG/CG F2F hybrid meeting for 20 June, in Mountain 
View, CA, USA. Please help us to plan for the meeting by filling out 
this form to indicate whether you plan to attend in-person or remotely:

June 20 (Thursday) will be a joint meeting of the FedID WG and CG. 
Members of either (and both!) are welcome to participate. The following 
day (Friday, 21 June) will be a meeting of the WICG Digital Credentials 
group, open to all WICG members.

If you have particular issues you'd like to discuss or anticipate time 
constraints on your participation, please let the chairs know. We'll 
identify issues with f2f-agenda tags in the repository.


Wendy Seltzer -- wendy@seltzer.org +1 617.863.0613
Principal Identity Architect, Tucows

Received on Monday, 20 May 2024 17:11:25 UTC