Reminder: FedID CG call cancelled (W3C Breakout Day is happening!)

Hello FedID CG members and enthusiasts!

As we mentioned on the last few calls, we are cancelling next week's FedID CG call (one of the Pacific timezone calls) as we'll be engaged in various breakouts as part of the W3C Breakout Day.

More information on the sessions and when they are happening is being finalized this Friday; I'll post links here and in the Slack channel so you can all pick your favorite sessions to attend.

And if you haven't already encountered this in your other meetings, the Daylight Saving Time challenges have started for the spring changeover as the US has made the switch, Europe hasn't, and I still haven't figured out Australia's timezones yet. ;-) Do doublecheck your calendars and the timing of your international calls!

Thanks for participating, and I hope to see you in the breakout sessions next week!

Heather Flanagan
Principal, Spherical Cow Consulting
Founder, The Writer’s Comfort Zone

  Translator of Geek to Human

Received on Wednesday, 6 March 2024 23:29:03 UTC