Polls: New FedID CG call time, WG name

Hello FedID CG members and enthusiasts!

On our call today, I noted that our call time is about to conflict with the WICG Identity Credential group call time. They are pinned to UTC; our call time is pinned to US Pacific. For an international standards body, the former is much better practice than the latter, so we need to find a new time for our call. With that in mind, and recognizing this won't be perfect for everyone, I have a survey for you:

Call Time Survey (zoom survey tool)

(The following link will help you convert this into your local time: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html)

And since we're in survey mode, I would also like to get additional feedback on the proposed WG name. If you are following the issue that is part of the advance notice for a new working group, you'll have seen some concern regarding the proposed name. Based on a simpler poll and discussions on today's call, please indicate your preference for most-to-least favorite option. Yes, the survey tool will let you have every option be your favorite, but please take the survey in the manner it is intended.

Proposed WG Name Survey (zoom survey link)

Please fill out both surveys by Friday, 3 November 2023.

If you have any questions, please post in our Slack channel on the W3C Community Slack.

Heather Flanagan
Principal, Spherical Cow Consulting
Founder, The Writer’s Comfort Zone

  Translator of Geek to Human

Received on Monday, 30 October 2023 21:40:16 UTC