Goal for the blog post

Hi folks -

I added this "Post Goal" paragraph to the beginning of the blog post draft

  Post Goal:  The audience for this post is people who are new to how
privacy concerns can impact identity federation.  That likely includes
people from one of two groups:  1) people who are interested in privacy,
but are new to identity federation or 2) people who are familiar with
identity federation, but are unaware of the changes being made to browsers
because of the privacy concerns.  The goal for the post is to provide an
introduction to identity federation and why it matters, what the privacy
concerns are and their potential impact, and then explain that the work of
FedIDCG is to preserve identity federation in light of the privacy-related

Please do add any comments/suggestions you have to the doc.  All of the
help is very much appreciated!

Thank you!
- Kris

Kristen Chapman

Received on Monday, 28 March 2022 16:37:50 UTC