FedID CG meeting agenda and notes

Hello all!

Quick reminder that our meeting notes and agendas are posted in our GitHub repository:


Our 18 July notes have been posted, and the agenda for our next call (an Atlantic-friendly one at the usual time on Monday, 25 July) has been posted as well. Note that the week after next is our monthly Pacific call; the W3C calendar has been updated accordingly. (https://www.w3.org/groups/cg/fed-id/calendar)

Discussion between meetings is strongly encouraged and usually happens on our slack channel. If you aren’t on the Slack channel and would like to be, please drop me a note and I’ll send you the invitation link.

Heather Flanagan
Spherical Cow Consulting

  Translator of Geek to Human

Received on Wednesday, 20 July 2022 17:43:59 UTC