Agenda & Reminder: fedidcg Atlantic call, 14 January 2022

Hello all!

Our next Atlantic-oriented call is this Friday at 08:00 PST. Details, including some timezone conversions, is available in  our GitHub repository:

Note that we’ll be spending most of our time on a new proposal for a CG work item; please take a few minutes to read

Call in details are available on our W3C calendar, restricted to FedID CG registered participants.

If you are more interested in Pacific-oriented time slots, our next Pacific-side call is this coming Monday, 17 January. I expect that call to focus on clarifying our terminology and working on our draft report (which I’ll mention more about on Friday’s call).

I look forward to seeing you on Friday!

Heather Flanagan
Spherical Cow Consulting

  Translator of Geek to Human

Received on Wednesday, 12 January 2022 16:24:39 UTC