HTTP Client Module - certificates ...

the HTTP Client Module ( ) seems to me a very important initiative, as it broadens the scope of what can be achieved with self-contained XQuery programs significantly. Think of all the environments in which web services play a dominant role - there we can offer XQuery-based, lightweight tools performing various useful tasks, taking advantage of the incomparable ease of constructing, navigating and transforming XML.

Recently I came across what appears to me a serious limitation of the module, which might be removed in a very simple way: presently, https connections to services with self-signed certificates are not possible, and we bump into messages like this:
[experr:HC0001] No subject alternative names matching IP address found
But self-signed certificates are very common! JMeter, the Apache framework for service testing, is not shy ( ):
" JMeter HTTP samplers are configured to accept all certificates,whether trusted or not, regardless of validity periods, etc.This is to allow the maximum flexibility in testing servers."

My proposal: can we add to the http:send-request function a feature enabling acceptance of self-signed certificates? It might be a "ignore-certificate" function parameter, or a further attribute on the http:request element.
Kind regards,Hans-Juergen


Received on Tuesday, 24 February 2015 21:29:12 UTC