- From: Christian Grün <cg@basex.org>
- Date: Fri, 8 Jun 2012 20:53:50 +0200
- To: expath@googlegroups.com, public-expath@w3.org
- Cc: Florent Georges <lists@fgeorges.org>, Florent Georges <fgeorges@fgeorges.org>
Thanks everyone for the feedback! I would also like to credit Gabriel Petrovay, who has developed the initial versions of the specification. @Michael: I corrected the typo on $file:path-separator. And I agree that most presented functions would probably have to be annotated as being nondeterministic, or at least sequential. As Matthias indicated, this may be a problem of most existing EXPath specifications we currently have, so it could be worthwhile to have a general discussion on how we want to handle nondeterministic functionality in all the specs. @Dan: yes, it would be exciting to have wrappers for eXist and possibly MarkLogic and other implementations! We don’t gain much if the available specifications are only offered by one or two processors. @Claudius: I'm looking forward to the new version of the FTP Specification. Reg. the Crypto spec: did you get some more feedback on that? A side note: Matthias and me are also working on a general module for packing and extracting data (called "Archive Module"). I would be interested who of you is working with the existing EXPath ZIP Module? Christian PS: if you are interested: the latest version of the specification can be tried out live with the latest snapshot of BaseX (the JAR file can be started with a double click): http://files.basex.org/releases/latest/
Received on Friday, 8 June 2012 18:54:50 UTC