ACTION-730: Modify ttfms to give warning for inconsistent setting and resolve inconsistency.
ACTION-731: Move three documents (canonical exi, extended string, json support) to public space.
ACTION-732: Investigate whether ecma's json spec is more appropriate to make a reference to or not.
AW: empty CH in schema-less context
AW: ISSUE-110: What to do with xml:space being preserved in strict mode.
AW: Support for Canonical EXI interoperability test in TTFMS
AW: Whitespace handling in TTFMS
converting X3D (XML) to X3D (JSON)
empty CH in schema-less context
ISSUE-110: What to do with xml:space being preserved in strict mode.
JSON Schema
New EXI 2.0 items
Support for Canonical EXI interoperability test in TTFMS
Whitespace handling in TTFMS
Last message date: Monday, 30 November 2015 22:18:51 UTC