Re: Proposal for including EXI in XMPP

Dear folks,

As Peter mentioned, I believe XMPP and EXI should be a good oppotunity 
for both parties to make Internet-of-Things with good richness of data 
representation (i.e. end-to-end XML datamodel), responsiveness (i.e. 
XMPP IM/PubSub), and integration to real-world use cases (i.e. 
integration with everyone's IM environment).

As Takuki pointed out, the current proposal may have some impedance 
mismatch against current EXI specification. However, I believe the two 
groups can work togather to solve the problem. Let me contribute to the 

Best Regards,

// Yusuke DOI <>

Received on Friday, 15 March 2013 15:07:19 UTC