RE: "7.3.3 Partitions Optimized for Frequent use of String Literals"

Hi Arman,

Thank you for your feedback on the EXI specification.

> As far as I understand the "local" value partition is associated to the 
> current qualified name in the scope. So the value *V* that is getting 
> removed from the "local" partition may also be present in the "local" 
> partitions associated to other qualified names. Does this mean that value 
> *V* should be removed only form the "local" partition of the qualified 
> name in the current scope or from all "local" partitions that include this 
> value?

In EXI a string optimized for frequent use is assigned to two partitions, a "local" value partition and the global value partition. Once a string has been added to a local partition it is not possible to add the same string to any other local value partition (unless it has been removed again) [1].

This implies that removing a string value, due to string table bounds, means removing the appearance of the string in the global partition and the "one" associated local value partition. 

Hope this helps,

-- Daniel


Received on Thursday, 24 February 2011 11:34:05 UTC