RE: preliminary Call for Implementations


We would like to inform the EXI WG and the interested public of the activity 
we have been working on to make an open-source implementation of EXI 
available under Apache Software license. We'd appreciate if it is made listed 
in the WG's public page under "Implementations" section for public awareness.




Software / Project Name


Organization Name
Open source launched by NPS, OptimaLogic and Fujitsu

Platform, Language

Apache License V2.0

Concise, short maturity-level statement
OpenEXI supports schema-informed grammars, built-in grammars with or without 
compression. For more information about the project's status, please visit the project 
page [1].


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Taki Kamiya
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 5:21 PM
Subject: preliminary Call for Implementations

Dear Friends of EXI,

As EXI specification entered last call working draft stage in September and
is moving steadfastly toward further advancement, there has been a growing
amount of curiosity heard from both inside and outside of the working group
to know how many and what kind of projects have already started working on
EXI implementation.

Although EXI has not yet become Candidate Recommendation which officially
should represent formal Call for Implementations, we would like to make an early
survey of on-going implementation efforts that are out there.

We would like to ask EXI implementors who are presumably be on this list to
share the following data pertinent to each project.

- Software / Project Name
- Organization Name
- Platform, Language
- License
- Concise, short maturity-level statement

We intend to make a list of collected implementation data, and make it available
on the EXI WG public page [1]. Please share your data by sending it to this list.

We appreciate your interest, help and support.


Michael Cokus and Takuki Kamiya
for the EXI Working Group

Received on Tuesday, 15 February 2011 02:52:57 UTC