
Is anything is known about the feasibility of specifying EXI in the ASN.1 Encoding Control Notation (ECN)?

ECN is not an actual encoding (although there are defaults for the established ASN.1 encodings), but rather a language for *specifying* an encoding. So my question is whether the EXI team has given any thought to the feasibility of *specifying* EXI using ECN. Or is it known that this is *not* possible?

I'm wondering in particular whether EXI with compression is simply beyond ECN (or is there an "escape" in ECN that would allow one to point to the compression rules?). 

And even without compression, whether the productions rules in which EXI is specified could potentially be translated into ECN. I don't have a firm enough grasp of either technology to be able to judge this, so any insight would be most appreciated!

Sidney Bailin
Knowledge Evolution, Inc.


Received on Wednesday, 5 September 2007 03:15:56 UTC