HTML5 Tutorial efforts

Le 23 mai 2007 à 00:06, Debi Orton a écrit :
> Karl, if we can identify non-controversial aspects of the present  
> HTML 5 draft, I'd be glad to start now.  Is there any clear way to  
> make that distinction?

I think the most beneficial part of the specifications for authors is  
for now.
[3. Semantics and structure of HTML elements][1]. It would be good to  
break into pieces.

So we need first a template. There are, at least, two ways of  
proceeding for this kind of things and they are not mutually exclusive.

1. Going through the list of names and explain their meanings with  
examples and best practices. (a, b, blockquote, etc. )
2. Talking about semantics as large and how to achieve things.  
(paragraphs, lists, tables, forms, etc.)

What do people prefer to work on? As I would much like that we get  
things done more than imposing something that people do not like.


Karl Dubost -
W3C Conformance Manager, QA Activity Lead
   QA Weblog -
      *** Be Strict To Be Cool ***

Received on Monday, 4 June 2007 00:46:51 UTC