wiki for Tips? Re: Typo in

Le 3 juin 2007 à 10:01, Alejandro Forero Cuervo a écrit :
> Have you thought of using a wiki for these documents?  I'm inclined to
> believe it would increase the amount of contributions.

There is the usual trade-off when using wikis. It is always difficult  
to draw the line. Wikis are not necessary good at everything.

* more (potential) participation
* more meaningless contributions
* more difficult to translate in other languages.

But your idea has to be considered as well. Other opinions on the list?

Karl Dubost -
W3C Conformance Manager, QA Activity Lead
   QA Weblog -
      *** Be Strict To Be Cool ***

Received on Monday, 4 June 2007 00:29:02 UTC