Re: Web Browser Standards Support

Quoting Karl Dubost <>:
> Le 05-12-15 à 19:01, Anne van Kesteren a écrit :
>> Quoting Karl Dubost <>:
>>>  * Opera (Anne Van Kesteren, ex Ian Hickson) - W3C Member
>> Ian Hickson represents Google last time I checked ;-)
> Yes it's why I said *ex* ;)

That's a nice trick, but I really quoted:

# * Mozilla (Ian Hickson) - W3C Member, and
# * Opera (Anne Van Kesteren, ex Ian Hickson) - W3C Member


>> Opera, together with Mozilla, did make a proposal to continue this  
>> work some time ago:
>> <>
> Yes I know this interesting paper.

> And then the creation by W3C Members (Mozilla, Opera, etc.) of two  
> new WGs with a first teleconf very soon :)
> Web APIs Working Group
> Web Application Formats

WAPI seems indeed promising and the XBL work by WAPI might be as well 
on which version is chosen and what players decide to implement.

(However, this does not yet address some of the DOM2HTML and HTML parsing
issues. But I guess HTML5 can handle that.)

>>> I haven't found also a Test Suite for Web Apps 1.0 and WebForms 2.0
>>> as well. Do you know if it exists?
>> There will soon be a public testsuite for Web Forms 2 if all goes  well.
>> Web Apps has to wait a little longer I guess. Parts of the  
>> specification are not yet finalized and parts might be taken over  
>> by the W3C. (Drag & drop,
>> XMLHttpRequest, etc.)
> And interoperability report with all browsers would be good :) It  
> will help to understand the level of interoperability, and how  
> accessibility and internationalization is handled. I'm looking  
> forward to it.

I agree.

Anne van Kesteren

Received on Friday, 16 December 2005 06:49:14 UTC