Re: Web Browser Standards Support

Le 05-12-14 à 19:26, Anne van Kesteren a écrit :
> Quoting Karl Dubost <>:
>> I haven't had the chance to evaluate the report but it seems   
>> interesting. It shows for example that HTML 4.01 is far to be   
>> implemented, even if we read often the opposite here and there.
> Kind of hard to do for browsers without proper testsuites and  
> without HTML 4.01
> being fixed for error handling and other ambiguous cases.

Yes agreed Anne.
Kind of surprising that
	* Safari (Dave Hyatt), - W3C Member
	* Mozilla (Ian Hickson) - W3C Member, and
	* Opera (Anne Van Kesteren, ex Ian Hickson) - W3C Member
haven't committed to finish the completion of the [HTML 4.01 Test  
Suite][1] initially started by Microsoft (Tantek Çelik) and the WASP  
released in… 2003!


I haven't found also a Test Suite for Web Apps 1.0 and WebForms 2.0  
as well. Do you know if it exists?

Karl Dubost -
W3C Conformance Manager, QA Activity Lead
*** Be Strict To Be Cool ***

Received on Wednesday, 14 December 2005 12:04:21 UTC