URL correction on Home Page - [was] Re: "step-by-step" guide to website validity and the LogValidator

From: "Olivier Thereaux"
> You may remember hearing about the LogValidator [1] project being
> developed by the QA activity at W3C. This website log analysis (and
> validation) tool is entering today a beta test phase, with a tentative
> stable release date around the end of March 2003.
> [1] http://www.w3.org/QA/Tools/Logvalidator/

> As a companion to this tool, I have written, with the help of the QA
> team and contributor Kim Nylander an article covering the simple ideas
> behind this tools, also acting as a tutorial. [2]
> [2] http://www.w3.org/QA/2002/09/Step-by-step

The idea looks good, also...  at the home page of LogValidator[1]

The link anchor to the beta download section has two hash marks and
needs to be fixed.

Found at page text -
*Public beta Test* of the Log Validator, February 28th, 2003 - March
28th, 2003.

* the correct link for the beta download info* :


Received on Friday, 28 February 2003 11:32:01 UTC