"step-by-step" guide to website validity and the LogValidator


You may remember hearing about the LogValidator [1] project being 
developed by the QA activity at W3C. This website log analysis (and 
validation) tool is entering today a beta test phase, with a tentative 
stable release date around the end of March 2003.

[1] http://www.w3.org/QA/Tools/Logvalidator/

As a companion to this tool, I have written, with the help of the QA 
team and contributor Kim Nylander an article covering the simple ideas 
behind this tools, also acting as a tutorial. [2]

[2] http://www.w3.org/QA/2002/09/Step-by-step

The ideas presented in this document are quite simple and could be 
summarized as follows:
- if you have many things to do and little time to do it, you start 
with what's most important
- for a webserver, what's more important is what gets more traffic
- analysing your webserver logs can tell you what resources need love 
and caring
- we have developed a flexible tool for that purpose

I believe the Log Validator (with the help of this article) is 
potentially a very helpful Web Quality tool. The public-qa-dev 
community can help make it possible by:
- Reviewing the tutorial
- Participating in the Public Beta Test for the Log Validator

- Talking about it within the Web Community, inviting people to use and 
review both the tool and its tutorial.

Thank you. olivier.
Olivier Thereaux - W3C - QA : http://www.w3.org/QA/
http://www.w3.org/People/olivier | http://yoda.zoy.org

Received on Friday, 28 February 2003 07:11:08 UTC