Re: [Article] Web-Quality v1.1

Hi Alex,

On Mon, Sep 23, 2002, Alex Rousskov wrote:

> Why not? To be precise, why should not base standards be simple enough
> for a computer hobbyist to follow? I think that should be an ideal,
> albeit not reachable, goal.

I didn't say they should not be simple enough to be read by hobbyists,
just that specs were not aimed at them but at implementors and
"translators" (book and tutorial authors are translators from spec-lang
to real-world language, IMHO). I believe we agree on this point, don't

> > If you think you can help, please participate in the QA Interest
> > Group, which reviews and discusses the framework.
> Very good point! On the other hand, if Stephanie is not supposed to
> _read_ standards, it is highly questionable whether she should be
> encouraged to participate in _writing_ a framework for them. The
> framework itself, BTW, is already more complex than a "hobbyist" would
> want it to be, IMHO. Full circle.

Good point, but my main argument remains valid : once people are aware
of a problem, it's useless to complain about them, especially since (at
W3C) there is plenty of room for people to help/participate in a
constrictive manner, through public comments list, through the QAIG,
Cheers, olivier.
Olivier Thereaux - W3C |

Received on Monday, 23 September 2002 19:50:25 UTC