Re: Converting to standards... (sort of)


Thank you very much for that.

At 23:06 -0400 2002-09-22, Eric A. Meyer wrote:
>in both Gecko and IE.  It's available at 

>lucky I got that far.  I freely admit that what I did was a hack job 
>on a hack job, and could no doubt be improved upon.  Since it was 
>done as a personal gratis project, I was willing to give up only so 
>much of my Saturday afternoon to it.

Yes I think that many people could do. I hope you will have help for 
this one. I think I remember to have seen a valid Yahoo! website on a 
list one day.

I think it could be easily done for Yahoo!, Google, etc.

Karl Dubost / W3C - Conformance Manager

      --- Be Strict To Be Cool! ---

Received on Monday, 23 September 2002 09:27:11 UTC