Re: Standards Freshness

From: "Joseph McLean" <>
> I agree, and have found a possible match.  Edited by our fellow list-mate
> Molly Holzschlag (hi Molly!), "Usability: The Site Speaks for Itself" is a
> real-world exploration of some big name, big audience sites
> I haven't read it yet (just ordered), but the reviews are universally
> five-star.

I'm currently reading it, along with rereading Jakob Nielsen's "Website
Usability" -- just to get a balanced look at website usability. IMO, it is a
pity the introduction is a collection of straw-man arguments against
Nielsen's contribution to usability (sorry Molly), but there seems to be a
lot of good content in there -- I've only partially read the BBC bit at the
moment, which includes a number of fixed-size arguments based on monitor
sizes, which really echo the print-biased way of thinking.

Nielsen's second book "Homepage Usability" is a useful analysis of the home
pages of the top 50 websites (in a variety of categories), with a selection
of very useful, well thought-out suggestions on improving usability.

Received on Monday, 22 July 2002 06:59:23 UTC