Re: Netscape 4 and 7

From: <>
| Now that Netscape 7's been released, has anyone heard anything about
the continued support of Netscape 4 by AOL?
| I know that NS4 will still be out there, but a supported and non
suported product are two entirely different animals.

Someone just told me last week that NN4.8  had been released.
So it seems that there still is some support for the 4 versions out
there. I do not know what types of changes were made to this release

Mozilla may be another or better option for the web designer/developer.
There are some nice added tools, and less of the packaging/promotion
type items that slow down or add weight to the netscape versions.

Rendering pages and support of items should be the same across the


Received on Friday, 30 August 2002 06:47:34 UTC